Dejavu Natural Lasting Eyebrow Pencil (Natural Brown)

RM29.90 RM39.90
3 Reviews
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  • Curl lashes before applying. Align the curve of the brush with your lash line and move the brush straight from root to tip
  • Repeat first step for extra volume. Continue doing so until you reach desired effect
  • To achieve a lasting curl, wait for the film formula to completely dry on your lashes before curling with an eyelash curler
  • Gently rub the residue off with a cotton swab after it is completely dry. The film will easily peel off with out smearing.



-Natural looking

Dejavu Natural Lasting Eyebrow Pencil is a powder base eyebrow pencil that creates long-lasting natural brows with a sense of dimension which adheres snugly and won't wear off. It features a 1.5mm x 3mm elliptical pencil, so you can use the narrow side to fill in individual brow hairs, or the thick side to draw a soft, thick line all at once. Formulated with an adhesive ingredient, so powder firmly adheres not only to brows but also to sparse areas such as brows' outer edges. Waterproof type resists sebum, perspiration, and rubbing, which may otherwise cause it to wear off.

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