WHAT IS A TONER? Toners today are made to; Restore hydration within the skin Replenish it with nutrients. We usually experience dryness and oili...
Read moreItchy scalp, hair fall, greasy hair, hair loss, split ends–they have attachment issues. Who are they attached to? Me. I’ve always believed that our...
Read moreEver felt like you wish you could bring your whole house with you as you travel, because you don’t wanna leave anything behind? Especially any holy...
Read moreFind out why this is our offices' favourite Japanese toner and why it's getting so much love in Japan. We're also showing you how to tell the diffe...
Read moreIn one’s lifetime, there will be 5 attempts to lose weight and for women, it’s 7 times on average. Why do people keep attempting and failing each t...
Read morePandemic, MCO, EMCO etc can be frustrating but all that time spent at home has led to more 'bedroom' antics. Whether you have a partner or not, it ...
Read moreDiscover the difference between Collagen, Collagen Peptides & Hydrolyzed Collagen. Which one works better? Which one's suitable for you? Find o...
Read moreHaving a hard time trying to spot a fake pitta mask from an original? You're not alone—it's extremely hard to tell. Besides the similar looking pac...
Read moreA must-read for every lady on why your lady parts should be maintained with extra care and attention. Proper hygiene is vital to a happier and more...
Read moreFor centuries, pearl coix has been associated with beauty and has even been mentioned in books detailing the beauty rituals of Geishas. Scouring an...
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